Friday, September 6, 2024

Tree Assessment by Office of Emergency Management



The PID in cooperation with the Larimer Country Office of Emergency Management (LCOoEM) and their subject-matter experts, will be working in the areas impacted by the Alexander Mountain Fire.  Work may start as soon as tomorrow depending on confirmation by the LCOoEM. 


The first item on the work list is completion of an assessment of trees that may be considered a hazard within the road easements / right of way.   At this time, you may find trees marked for potential remediation.   If you see us out and about over the next few days, feel free to say hi. 


We will follow up with the community if it is determined that hazardous trees exist and should be removed.   
Thank you, 

James Toland
Storm Mountain PID 

Hazard Tree Removal due to Alexander Mountain Fire

  Peers,    The Larimer Country Office of Emergency Management will start marking hazardous trees within the PID managed road easements  /...