Monday, March 18, 2024

Monday Road Conditions - March 18, 2024


A big thank you to all the volunteers who worked throughout this storm event to improve the road conditions for everyone. 

Access Road:  Narrow lanes, snow snow pack, icy in places,  most folks can travel without issue, but extra care is required. 

Lower Filings:  Travel lanes are narrow and snow packed / Icy / Slushy.   If you go out, please be prepared with chains and a shovel. 

Upper fillings: Most roads are open, but narrow and very high snow berms on each side.   PLEASE only attempt with a high clearance vehicle and chains.

If you have propery on one of smaller side roads, it may not be clear for a few more days

Over the Rainbow Ranch will continue to work to improve road conditions. 

Please avoid parking on roads while we continue to clear snow, this is a safey issue and grealty slows progress in clearing the roads.



Snow the week of Thanksgiving

Snow is forecast for the upcoming Thanksgiving week.  The Board will proactively communicate with the plow contractor.    Please report poor...