Friday, September 15, 2023

New Dates for chip seal work announced - ON HOLD

Update:  Due to mechanical issues chip-seal work is ON-HOLD until repairs are completed 

The County has informed us that A1 Chip Seal will provide updated dates once equipment repairs are complete

Per the County, the greatest risk of travel delays will be on the first day of work,  but they could happen through out the 3 day estimated project duration   

Delays should be around 5 minutes typically, but could extend longer if deemed necessary for worker safety.   Please drive with care,  this will help ensure of the safety of everyone, and hopeful avoid any extended closures . 

As previously stated, its recommended we limit our trips for the first 24 hours,  this will extend the life of the chip seal.  

Thank you, 
Storm Mountain PID

Snow the week of Thanksgiving

Snow is forecast for the upcoming Thanksgiving week.  The Board will proactively communicate with the plow contractor.    Please report poor...